Credits I'd like to thank the following people for their help and support in making this program: Bill Gundlach - for ideas and keeping me motivated (as well as the German deck) The people at #macdev - for ideas and suggestions Metrowerks Codewarrior - Only the best development system for the Mac James Rodden - For 3DAdditions and UWindowState classes Zig Zitchterman - For the 3DButtons CDEF James Stout - For Jim's CDEFs Harold Ekstrom - For the CListBox code Richard A Brag - For the CPreferences code Peter Lewis - For the Balloon Help Compiler Cyrus Daboo - For the Balloon Help PowerPlant Classes. Dair Grant - For the LPasswordField class Bungie - for the necessary distractions :-) as well as a tip of the hat to the following users who have offered many suggestions and bug reports... Andrew Robinson - for testing above and beyond the call of duty Phil Cohen Kevin Patfield Techinical Info MacFlash was developed using the Codewarrior development system (versions 5 through 8), including the PowerPlant application framework. All of the development was performed on a PowerMac 7100/66 with 16 megs of memory. Depending on my schedule, I have spent between 2 and 20 hrs/ week on the development. All the code is in C++ with some Standard Template Library code.